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Even during her time as a senior nurse, Julie regularly gave expert opinion as communication lead for NHS Direct, where she also received her first media training. She remembers a time when she had just come off air on a radio interview, having spoken about epistaxis – in real language, nose bleeds. An elderly gentleman called in, thanking Julie for the reassuring words she had spoken to him about something he had bad memories of as a child. She has a calm, warm voice and always has something interesting to say.
Early in her career as a coach, Julie was contacted by her local BBC station, Three Counties Radio, to join their new panel discussions. Over the following 13 years she would regularly be asked to appear, and would give considered answers to many dilemmas and topical news, as well as incorporating her sense of humour and her own personal stories of love, loss and everything inbetween.
Julie is media trained. However, she does have her own natural style, which is both reassuring and confident. She speaks directly to the audience, whether through written media or via discussion on different channels.
With a long career behind her in the NHS, health and personal recovery, Julie is very knowledgeable on just about all aspects of health and wellbeing, recovery from difficult life change and relationships. She always makes herself available for comment, both verbally and in writing, and is happy to provide advice.
Media contacts can call me on 07967 135870, or send me an email from my contact page.
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